Sunday, November 25, 2007

Investigating Millennials

I found this recent blog post very interest due to the fact that it investigates the generation that I am a part of. Original post

For the most part, I found this post very interesting and overall very accurate. Being at the tail end of my college career and having spent my final term off of the campus, many of these points have become very obvious.

On a personal level, I felt like a few of the statements didn't apply to myself but on an overall basis I think are true.

1] It's illegal for Ad's to lie.
It may be the fact that I am in the journalism school, but I have been aware for sometime, that it is illegal to lie on advertisements. I will argue though, that ad's manipulate statistics in a way that promotes their points.

2] Product placements
Again, this may be due to the fact that I am a J-school member and a PR major but I was aware that companies have to pay for product placements and it is generally very easy to pick them out on TV shows and movies.

3] Brands influence buying
I agree with this point completely but I will argue that many of the millennial's are aware of their decision making. Personally, I am loyal to brands and I consciously choose them over other.

I think that the points that I did not apply to me also do not apply to many millennial's that are my age, but are 100% accurate for millennials that are only a year or two younger. I think that you become aware of how a lot of the real world works when you leave the friendly confines of your local college campus.

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